Exercícios de inglês

1. Choose a verb and use the words given in a question. Follow the pattern:

study / drink / buy / teach / see / visit / write to / read / call / travel to / translate

pattern: he / English / morning (present): Does he teach English in the morning?

a) she / Spanish / in the evening (past):

b) they / her / tomorrow (conditional):

c) he / tapes / every month (present):

d) you / Sheila / next weekend (future):

e) you / him / every day (present negative):

f) they / Peru / in September (conditional):

g) it / milk / yesterday (past negative):

h) she / the magazine / today (conditional negative):

i) he / a letter / on Wednesday afternoon (future negative):

j) you / them / every Thursday (present):

Clique aqui para ver as respostas.

2. Fill in the blanks using how much, how many or which:

a) ……………………. milk will we need to buy? A lot.

b) ……………………. car does she prefer, the big one or the small one?

c) ……………………. money do you have?

d) ……………………. children does he have?

e) ……………………. house will they buy, the new one or the old one?

f) ……………………. boy did she teach, the younger or the older one?

g) ……………………. sweet rolls did they eat, one or two?

h) ……………………. would it cost?

i) ……………………. times did you call Don last month?

j) ……………………. book will he read, yours or hers?

Clique aqui para ver as respostas.

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